Margot and The Nuclear So and So’s — Sling Shot To Heaven

Richard Edwards (Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s) approached me with an idea for the cover of 2014’s release, “Sling Shot To Heaven,” that I couldn’t reproduce without the help of 1) someone creative that I could trust on the west coast to conduct some photos needed before attempting any UFO-related, science fiction themed covers to show him. I contacted Barton Bishoff in San Francisco, a twelve time Emmy-winning videographer and photographer, to see if he had any interest in helping. To everyone’s benefit, Bart generously provided film photos I needed to see in order to attempt anything. A few illustrations and design tricks later, along with Richard’s collaborative art direction spirit to guide me— we successfully completed “Sling Shot To Heaven” for release on vinyl, CD, and digital.

ClientMargot and The Nuclear So and So's, Richard EdwardsServicesArt Direction, Design,

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