Emily’s one of my favorite songwriters, midwest to the bone and a work ethic sewn by soul. Biased I may be, and incredibly grateful for her friendship to me and my little family. I was in the midst of a midlife crisis, career burnout, physical and mental health breakdown when this project popped up. I couldn’t give it the art direction and attention it deserved at first (due to high degree of burnout factors) and recommended that a trusted collaborator, Barton Bishoff, be on location in Chicago at the recording session for filming what became this album, “Meanwhile, I Love You”. I figured that if I couldn’t be free to be there like a fly on a wall, someone trusted needed to be. Bart does great work and understands the hustle of what working musicians go through; he, like Emily and myself, also managing other day jobs. Bart perfectly captured the immediacy and musical essence of these songs by Emily and band like the fly on a wall I needed there. The album art came together quickly on my end because Bart’s work is such a joy for me to work with—and as for Emily, she felt we also visually captured this album of songs, the studio and her band’s immediacy to release this little baby into the world. Take a listen for yourself below, support and share! (Vinyl & Packaging by Chris @ SooperDooper, Madison, WI)
ClientEmily HurdServicesCreative Direction and Design; Photography & Video by Barton BishoffYear2023Linkemilyhurd.com